We are looking forward to once again participate at Arendalsuka and this year we are joining two plan debates!
Arendalsuka is the largest political gathering in Norway held annually since 2012. The event’s mission is clear: strengthen the belief in political empowerment and democracy through open debate and involvement.
The events
How to prevent old regulations from hindering new technology for better soil health?
Monday august 12th at 17.00-17.50
Good soil health means that the soil’s physical, chemical and biological components work optimally together. Unfortunately, soil health continues to deteriorate, which has become a widespread global problem.
Organizer: AgriFoodTech Norway
Read more about the event here.
Technology and biology are replacing chemical pesticides.
Wednesday 14 August at 16.00-17.30
Where has Norway come the furthest in its work with alternatives to chemical pesticides, where are we lagging behind and what does this mean for Norway’s green transition?
Organizer: NIBIO
Read more about the event here.
See you in Arendal?
We hope to see you in Arendal, and feel free to contact us if you would like to meet us regardless of the events.
Oddbjørn Bergem, CEO
Hans Kristian Westrum, CGO