As of 1 January 2021, Oddbjørn Bergem joins SoilSteam International as CEO.

For more than three decades Oddbjørn has been immersed in innovation and technology, leading and nurturing several companies from their early-stage phase to success as global players in their respective fields.
“I’m very excited to take the lead in SSI,” said Oddbjørn. “This is a company with a strong mission and exciting opportunities.
“The world needs to reduce its usage of crop protection chemicals; the world needs to stop destroying valuable soil. SSI can become an important player in both these fields with its unique knowledge and technology.
“Together with the rest of my dedicated colleagues, I look forward to realizing the ambitious plans for this company,” he adds.
Einar Abrahamsen, Chairman of the Board, welcomed Oddbjørn to the company. “With Oddbjørn’s extensive knowledge and experience, SSI has the right leader to take the company ahead. Soil Steam has already demonstrated its huge potential; we now need to build a professional organization to extend our capabilities and get the company prepared for international markets.
“With Oddbjørn leading from the front, we now have the foundations in place to make this journey a success.”