Last fall we were steaming to the carrot producer Øystein Fredriksen at Tromøya in Norway. Because of limitation in available soil, it is very difficult for him to keep up with crop rotation, and because of this, he has a problem with Nematodes. On the picture under you can see what nematodes cause in carrots.
We were steaming late this fall and the conditions were not good. It was too cold and too wet. In June 2020 Fredriksen started to harvest on these fields, and the results are great. There are almost no carrots that have been attacked by nematodes. As a bonus, Fredriksen has almost no weeds and fungus in his fields either. This is another great example that our technology works and all the benefits we get from soil steaming.
#soilsteaming #lesspesticides #zerohunger #lesswaste #sustainability @FAO @IN @Grofondet