In the beginning of 2020, there was 1 person full time and 1 person working 80% in Soil Steam International. Since we established the company in 2016, most of the owners were contributing with everything they could, but that was not enough anymore. There is a limitation for how much people can contribute when they have a full-time job already. The effort of this active owners led to production of test equipment and prototypes good enough to prove that the equipment was a possible game changer in the market. Without this work, the company would never exist.
In January 2020 the board of SSI decided that the time was right in order to start scaling up, and this strategy was kept even though the Corona pandemic hit us all in March. In November 2020 Soil Steam International AS has become a company with 9 employees, and in January 21 we will be 10. We are preparing for being 16 employees within summer 2021. The benefit of growing in hard times like this is that you have access to a lot of good people that would not be available in “normal times”

We have office in Sandefjord and Ås in Norway and in Salinas, California (USA). We have 2 different concepts of disruptive machines that will bring a great contribution to a sustainable world, starting already in 2021. These machines have been tested for several months already and the tests will continue for the next months also..
We are collaborating with Norsk institutt for Bioøkonomi in Norway (Nibio) and Norsk Landbruksrådgiving (NLR) in Norway and UC Davis (USA) in order to document the effects of our equipment. During the spring of 2021 we will have equipment that are working commercial in the field both in northern Europe and in California. The mobile machine that will operate in fields in Europe from April 2021 is already pre-booked by farmers for the whole first season. We need 2-3 operators for this machine so if you thinks this sound interesting, or you know anyone that wants to come and works with us operating this machine in Scandinavia next spring/summer, please send us an email on
The Corona pandemic will pass, and In 2022 there will be 16 from Soil Steam International operating in the fields and prevent tons of pesticides and herbicides to be used. This is good news for everyone.

We are also very happy to announce that we have hired a new CEO for our company from January 2021. Our current CEO, Hans Kristian will focus on the huge market we are going to develop in the coming years and we are satisfied that our new CEO have all the capacities to guide our company to the next level. We have a lot of optimizing work to do during this winter and we cant wait to be out in the field again next spring. If you are a farmer and are curious about our technology and results, you should also contact us on

Have a great day everyone!