The demonstration that we did in both Norway and Germany during the summer of 2017 showed that we still had some way to go, but in the same time we were capable of getting the steam deep enough in the soil and faster and more effective than anyone else. Even though we knew that we had to improve a lot of details we knew that our technology was very good. The rumors about us reached all the way to Ph D. Steven Fennimore which contacted us and said that he had been working on steam as alternative to pesticides for 9 years. He had heard about our technology and wandered if it was OK that he came to us on a visit and to discuss a possible co-operation.
Fennimore was originally an extension specialist that were developing new pesticides. In this work he found out that steam has all the benefits of the most effective chemicals. On that background Mr. Fennimore has been doing a lot of tests with steam for the last 9 years and has demonstrated the great effects of steam in agriculture. After a few meetings on skype, he wants to come to Norway to see the equipment from SSI. Greg Vargas from Trical (a large California based contractor) is also joining him during the visit. He is impressed with the efficiency of the technology and wants to start up a cooperation with SSI. He knows that there are several other players that works on steam around in the world, but no one that has the same efficiency and speed as SSI. Mr. Fennimore invites SSI to come and see him and his partners in California. This is the beginning of what we believe is going to be a very good cooperation.
It is a great possibility for us to work with the biggest agriculture university in the world, and an honor to work with a gentleman like Steven Fennimore 😊