Testimonials & Quotes
“If we continue to degrade the soil at the rate we are now, the world could run out of topsoil in about 60 years.”
Maria-Helena Semedo of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization
“The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.”
Franklin D Roosevelt
Letter to all State Governors on a Uniform Soil Conservation Law (26 February 1937)
“2 years ago everybody talked about plastic in the oceans. Now everybody talks about CO2 in the air. In 5-10 years, I believe everybody will talk about soil.”
Hans Kristian Westrum, Founder SoilSteam
“The technology from SoilSteam is the future of modern agriculture. It secures good harvests without need for chemicals.”
Øystein Fredriksen, Carrot farmer, Tromøya Norge
“I have been a CEO for companies for the last 20 years. I have never been working in a more important company than this. Do not take soil for granted.”
Oddbjørn Bergem, CEO SoilSteam
“Jorddamping er både bærekraftig og lønnnsomt for oss. Vi har ambisjoner om å etablere tilsvarende anlegg flere steder i Norge og utenfor landets grenser, og gleder oss stort til fortsettelsen.”
Tormod Envir Carlsen, Chairman Envir
“For too many years we have accepted to treat soil as waste. It must change. Soil is the most valuable asset on the planet. 95% of our food comes from it. Now we have a solution to recycle it!”
Tom Inge Hole, Sales manager soil and compost, Lindum AS